Project mBridge Reaches Milestone, Unveils Global CBDC Platform and Seeks International Collaboration

Mbridge Cbdc

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Born from the vision of central banks in Thailand, Hong Kong, China, and the United Arab Emirates, mBridge operates under the Hong Kong BIS Innovation Hub. It’s not a solo act. The project boasts an impressive roster of participants:

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • World Bank
  • 23 central banks worldwide

Africa’s getting in on the action too. The Bank of Namibia, South African Reserve Bank, and Central Bank of Egypt are all on board. This wide-ranging participation shows the global appeal of mBridge.

CBDC | Global Platform mBridge Reaches MVP, Invites Worldwide Participation

The world is moving fast, and so is the evolution of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). A significant development in this space is Project mBridge, a multi-central bank digital currency initiative designed to bring together different jurisdictions under a unified technical infrastructure. In June 2024, Project mBridge reached its Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage, marking a crucial milestone and opening doors for further international collaboration.

What is Project mBridge?

Project mBridge was founded by the central banks of Thailand, Hong Kong, China, and the United Arab Emirates, operating under the Hong Kong BIS Innovation Hub’s guidance. This project isn’t just another CBDC experiment; it’s a groundbreaking effort to create a platform where central banks from across the globe can interact seamlessly. The initiative has garnered support from key global financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Currently, 23 central banks from various regions are actively participating, including notable African institutions like the Bank of Namibia, the South African Reserve Bank, and the Central Bank of Egypt.

A Platform for Real-Value Transactions

According to Yvonne Tsui, Senior Fintech Director at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the mBridge MVP platform allows participating jurisdictions to conduct real-value transactions, provided they are ready to do so. This isn’t just a theoretical model; it’s a functional platform ready to facilitate actual transactions across borders.

The MVP stage is a critical phase where the project team can gather feedback from early adopters. This feedback is vital for refining the platform before it goes into full production. Tsui emphasized the platform’s high compatibility, which makes it an excellent testbed for additional technology solutions. These could range from foreign exchange and liquidity support to compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations. The flexibility of the mBridge MVP allows it to serve as a testing ground for new use cases, interoperability with other platforms, and potential synergies with innovative private sector solutions.

An Invitation to Innovate

The project team is actively seeking participation from private sector firms to propose solutions and use cases. This is more than just an invitation; it’s an opportunity for the private sector to contribute to a groundbreaking global financial infrastructure. The BIS Innovation Hub has prepared a participation form for interested firms, encouraging them to bring forward their ideas and innovations.

Global Reach and Interoperability

One of the most significant achievements of Project mBridge is its ability to connect participants from different jurisdictions on a single, integrated technical platform. This single system can achieve interoperability with domestic traditional clearing systems, enabling participants from various regions to interact directly.

Tsui pointed out that the project already boasts wide geographical representation, with observing members hailing from almost every continent, including Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. This broad participation is a testament to the global interest in the project and its potential to revolutionize cross-border transactions.

CBDCs: The Future of Finance

The rise of CBDCs is undeniable. According to recent data, nine out of ten central banks are exploring CBDCs, with more than half either developing or running pilot projects. The momentum is building, and Project mBridge is at the forefront of this global movement.

Tsui expressed optimism about the future, welcoming the possibility of other regions developing similar platforms. The vision is clear: a world where multiple CBDC platforms exist, each interoperable with the others, creating a seamless global financial ecosystem.

Why Project mBridge Matters

Project mBridge isn’t just about CBDCs; it’s about creating a more connected and efficient global financial system. The ability to conduct cross-border transactions on a single platform reduces friction, lowers costs, and increases efficiency. For central banks, this means better control and oversight. For commercial banks and businesses, it means faster, cheaper, and more reliable transactions.

The project’s MVP stage is not just a milestone; it’s a starting point for broader participation and innovation. As more central banks and private sector firms get involved, the platform will continue to evolve, incorporating new technologies and solutions that address the challenges of today’s global financial system.

The future of Project mBridge is bright. With the MVP stage completed, the focus now shifts to gathering feedback, making iterative enhancements, and preparing for full production. As more central banks express interest and more private sector firms contribute their innovations, the platform will only grow stronger.

For those in the financial sector, now is the time to get involved. Whether you’re a central bank looking to explore the potential of CBDCs or a private sector firm with innovative solutions, Project mBridge offers a unique opportunity to be part of the future of finance.


Project mBridge is more than just a CBDC platform; it’s a vision for a more connected and efficient global financial system. The progress made so far is impressive, but this is just the beginning. With continued collaboration and innovation, the potential for mBridge to revolutionize cross-border transactions is limitless. The invitation to participate is open, and the future of finance is here. Are you ready to be a part of it?

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