Cbk Demand For Credit

CBK Report on Commercial Banks’ Credit for Period Ended June 30, 2023

1.0 Commercial Banks’ Credit Officer Survey The latest survey by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) aimed to gauge the lending behavior within the banking sector across all eleven economic sectors. Queries revolved around credit demands, loan approval standards, non-performing loans, credit recovery efforts, and the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 9 on…

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Stanchart Offshore Inestment

Unlocking Investment Opportunities: Standard Chartered Bank Kenya’s Offshore Unit Trust Funds

Standard Chartered Bank Kenya has introduced an exciting opportunity for Kenyan investors to explore offshore unit trust fund investments. This initiative opens up a gateway for retail investors to tap into the dynamic US, European, and Asian equities and bonds markets. Expanding Investment Horizons with Signature CIO Funds These innovative investment opportunities, known as the…

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